Energy Drinks as a beverage category have exploded on the scene in the last couple of years.
Do you know what an energy drink is? It's a way to get you to pay $2.99 for a $0.49 can of SODA POP!
Just because it has some goofy ingredients like echinacea, ginko root orguano guaranna extract doesn't make it health food.
Do you know what an energy drink is? It's a way to get you to pay $2.99 for a $0.49 can of SODA POP!
Just because it has some goofy ingredients like echinacea, ginko root or
This is especially true of the drinks that contain Green Tea extract. You can see the self-conscious New Age brand whores sitting at outdoor cafes sipping their Green Tea flavored soft drinks, smug full of all their imagined virtue.
Newsflash, if it has 49 grams of sugar in a 250 ml can, I don't care how much Green Tea it might contain, it's not good for you.
If you really want to get high, drink a cup of coffee. It's got zero calories if you drink it black, as I do.
"A Fool and His or Her Money..."
Lotsa, lotsa fools plus not that much money each equals a CFO laughing so hard he or she wets himself or herself.
'Nuff said!
The housing bubble should take care of all the drinks that cost more that $.75, don't you think?
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