Sunday, February 18, 2007

An odd tidbit: where is all the marketing for PS3?

One of the little chores that goes along with my role as both a retail and CE industry analyst/pundit is reading the mountains of flyers and ROP (run of print) that get dumped in my mailbox three or more times a week. If you want to know what’s going on in retail, read the ads and the retailers will tell you what trends you should be watching.

Well, I haven’t seen any advertising for Playstation 3 since Christmas. The weekly multi-page ads from Best Buy, Future Shop, Toys ‘R Us, and all the other usual suspects have been completely silent on the PS3.
If retail support for promoting the PS3 is this light, what does this mean for Sony’s giant gamble? Tell me what you think in the comments section below.

Incidentally, at the beginning of the month Dealbreaker covered a report that superstar video game maker Electronic Arts bet on Playstation 3 was not paying off, and they are furiously retrenching to capitalize on the surprise success of the Nintendo Wii. It's well worth reading.

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