Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vizio Strives For Greenest Televisions

Vizio, the upstart little-TV-maker-that-could is pushing the envelope with regard to energy consumption.

The comapny has announced that all of its LCD models now shipping to the U.S. and Canada meet or exceed Energy Star 3.0 requirements. Nine
of Vizio’s models exceed the Energy Star rating by 25 percent, the company says, and all of them are RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) compliant too.
The 22-inch and 19-inch LCD models even consume less energy than a standard 60w light bulb, Vizio says.

It almost goes without saying, but that appeals to my frugal nature.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love my Vizio VO32LF that I got recently. So much that I've been thinking about getting another one and this might be the way to go. I'm happy saving any money I possibly can in this economy and if I get a good TV out of it all the better.