Friday, April 25, 2008

Last Month In Marketing Magazine: I Came Here To Bury Blu-ray, Not To Praise It

Print media has a much longer time factor behind it's publication than online media, which is why so many news outlets depend more on their online editions than their print ones.

My point, and I did have one, is that way back in February of this year Marketing Magazine asked me to do a piece about Blu-ray's victory over HD-DVD and the ramifications of digital delivery. The piece appeared in the March 10 2008 print editon of Marketing Magazine, which was themed as their Digital Content issue.

With their site upgrade they haven't yet updated their archive of back issues online, so editor Rob Gerlsbeck gave me permission to reprint the article right here on Lee Distad's Professional Opinion.

Read this doc on Scribd: Blu-Ray1

Big thanks to my friends at Marketing Magazine for asking me to contribute, not to mention the hilarious graphic that accompanied my text!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved the article. Critically speaking, I believe you are really maturing as a writer (just mentioning the VHS vs. Beta history was an analogy wrapped in artistic wit).

But what I really want to know is how many requests Marketing Magazine got for info on where to buy that nifty piece of hardware pictured in the article. If we knew just how many, I suspect we'd also discover the second sign of the apocalypse.