Monday, March 10, 2008

Maybe Music and Movie Revenues Are Down Because They Suck

Christine at Marketnews just made a fantastic blog post about the underlying malaise afflicting Hollywood. She argues that their protests to the contrary, it's not downloading that's killing music and movies.

MarketnewsGadgetTalk: Is it Illegal Downloading, or a Lack of Creativity?

Sure, the Internet is making it much easier for consumers to get pretty much anything when they want it. But perhaps there's a reason beyond this changing face of technology that leads consumers to want to gather as much content as they can as quickly as they can. Do they feel they're not getting the quality they deserve? All I'm saying is that entertainment companies should take a long, hard look at issues like those mentioned above before forcing all the blame onto illegal downloading.

I've little else to add other than to say that I think she's exactly right.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes and no.

Much of what is on the shelves today isn't good, but some do shine. Try Springsteen's "Magic" or Robert Plant and Alison Krauss' enigmatic collaboration "Raising Sand". Movies, I agree are slipping although to see a film like "Juno" do well gives me hope enough for at least one more year. TV is circling the drain in my never-to-be-humble opinion. Again I'll let the Boss speak - "57 Channels and Nothin' On".

But antiquated marketing approaches also do more harm than good. Recently Alberta-born hot rock icon Chad Kroeger from 'Nickleback' co-wrote and performed a song with Carlos Santana. I liked it. I wanted to buy it, BUT....
It's only available as part of a Santana 'hits' package - some old and some new songs. Well excuuuuuuuse me Carlos, but I don't think I want to pay you for ANOTHER copy of 'Black Magic Woman/Gypsy Queen' - I ALREADY own 4!!

Insulting and taking advantage of your customers is NEVER a good idea, unless you're Don Rickles.

'Nuff said.