Thursday, October 18, 2007

Best Buy ceases selling Old School televisions in US

Marketnews - Gadget Talk: The End of an Era: U.S. Best Buy Stores Say No More Analog TVs

According to a Reuters report, Best Buy's U.S. stores will no longer be offering analog TVs, opting for a digital-only tuner environment. Of course this goes in line with the FCC's decision to stop all analog broadcasts by February 2009.

Will the CRTC follow suit with the U.S. FCC and make similar moves for digital TV? Although the organization has taken steps to encourage the adoption of digital TV (like requesting that, by the end of this year, Canadian broadcasters offer at least two-thirds of their TV schedules in HD), there has been no specific deadlines (to my knowledge) that would absolutely ensure that this happens. Stay tuned (pun intended).

I have no doubt that the CRTC will soon follow down the FCC's path.

As far as the retail marketplace for analog televisions, given the sheer number of inexpensive flat panels from no-name Chinese manufacturers available at discount retailers, it's hard to believe that there is anything resembling a market for the old ones!

*Props to Christine at Marketnews for the idea for the graphic!

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