Monday, October 15, 2007

Another indicator of Blu-ray/HD-DVD success?

Could be. Lately major retailers have been going hog wild on promotional pricing on DVD movies. Future Shop has been pimping package deals like 2 for $15 and 3 for $25 for weeks, and London Drugs' ROP this week has four pages devoted to cut-price DVDs, most of which are under $10 each.

What this tells me is that mass-market chains (and their wholesale suppliers) are doing their best to unload as much DVD catalogue inventory as possible in order to go long this Christmas on movies in either Blu-ray, HD-DVD or both.

Is this Christmas going to be the big season for HD discs? That's what I'm starting to think...

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Anonymous said...

I saw before somewhere where Amazon was giving away 5 HDDVD movies with the purchase of certain HDDVD players from them.

I missed that boat... :(

Lee_D said...

Mr. Buy-HD, somehow I don't think that we've seen the last of the disc/player promotions from either HD-DVD or Blu-ray.

This is going to be a killer holiday season, I think.