Sunday, September 30, 2007

Rumor Mill: Hifi maker Krell downsizing?

This rumor popped up last night on the Audiogon forum. Tough times for Krell

A reliable source just informed me that Krell, one of the leaders in American audio design has let go a large # of employees due to tough times.
Levinson did something similar just before the complete take-over by Harmon Industries.
Designers,Sales,production and techs were let go.
I was distressed when this happen to Levinson and even more so with this latest situation at Krell.

On the whole, it's wise not to give to much credit to what you read at online forums. However, Audiogon's readership is generally pretty well connected, and the HiFi world is pretty small. I've put out feelers elsewhere for corroboration, so we shall see.

The resulting discussion thread is long and rambling (which is part of the charm of the A'gon community), but one point that never really got picked up is this: is Krell a likely candidate to be bought out by one of the tech-focused Private Equity firms, such as Ripplewood, who have been soaking up stereo companies in the last three or four years?

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1 comment:

Unknown said...