Friday, June 15, 2007

Paris Hilton's 15 minutes over?

Reviewing via Google Analytics the search terms people use to find this blog, I am pleased to inform you that not once this month did anyone use the words "Paris Hilton" to arrive here.

This means that either fewer people care about her exploits than the media would like you to believe, or nobody actually comes here.

Either way, this is significant data.

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The Epicurean Dealmaker said...

Now, of course, Lee, you have guaranteed that people looking for Paris Hilton will visit your blog, since you have mentioned her.

Clever you.

Here, here's some help:
Paris Hilton Paris Hilton Paris Hilton Paris Hilton.

Let me know if you want me to redirect any of my PH traffic to your site.

Cheers, TED

Lee_D said...

Ah TED, you have seen through my attempt at meta-irony for the shallow blogwhoring that it actually is.

Unlike Dealbreaker's Bess Levin, I haven't quite got to the point where I will kill a puppy for a page view.

I like puppies.

And YET, Ms. Hilton still fails to show up on Google Analytics' radar with regard to my site stats, which reinforces my thesis that people don't care about her as much as either the old or new media want us to believe. So either my blogwhoring is for naught, or my cynicism is vindicated, take your pick.

The Epicurean Dealmaker said...

Well, I'm a big fan of both cynicism and blogwhoring, so I'll have to go with the latter.