Friday, April 20, 2007

RadioShack Keeps On Dumping Ballast In Effort To Stay Afloat

TWICE: RadioShack Cutting 280 HQ Jobs

The latest round of layoffs continues RadioShack's attempts to pull themselves together that goes back to last summer when 400 staff were told by email that they were sacked.

The news is much better this time:

Unlike last August's downsizing, when 400 white-collar workers were informed of their termination by e-mail, the latest round of pink slips are being conferred in brief, personal interviews, the employees said.

This is good news, since it appears that RadioShack does indeed learn from their mistakes.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I couldn't agree with you more. It's not every business that can sink with dignity - following the example of "Captain" Jack Sparrow - proudly and resolutely riding the yardarm of his doomed boat into port. Yes, ensuring that every employee who must walk the plank gets a personal send off into the briny blue.

RaidioShack - ever the beacon of business integrity and fortitude - we salute you!

Up Next: Selfless Rats Attempt to Save Their Vessel By Abandoning It. Film at 11.