Thursday, April 12, 2007

If You Dine at Girl's Gone Wild, I Advise You to Pass on Seafood Wednesday

This just in from Long or Short, the Girls Gone Wild video company is planning a chain of theme restaurants.

Last November I skewered Maxim magazine's plan for opening a restuarant chain, and pointed out how badly such a venture strays from their core business.* Like Deja Vu All Over Again, Johnny Debacle at LoS has much the same thing to say about Girls Gone Wild.

Long or Short Girls Gone Mild: Straying From Core Competencies
Recommendation: Girls Gone Wild was built on filming women stripping and/or going topless. Girls Gone Wild restaurants will not feature stripping, toplessness or filming. This is a textbook example of deviating from your core competencies. Despite our negative sentiments on the Girls Gone Wild BSR concept, we we are still bullish on the tasteless food service industry and recommend going long Pink Taco.

Is opening a chain of theme restaurants one of the leading indicators that your brand is on its last legs? I'm inclined to think so now. Keep your eyes peeled for exciting new restaurant concepts from GAP, Sony, and The New York Times.

*also note the cunning reference to one of Long or Short's key business principles in the previous tirade.

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