Friday, March 16, 2007

A thousand dollars for a pizza? Why the hell not?

Yahoo! News: Meet the $1,000 pizza...
A New York restaurateur has cooked up the most world's most extravagant pizza -- a $1,000 pizza topped with six sorts of caviar and fresh lobster.
Nino Selimaj, who runs six pizza restaurants in New York, on Wednesday unveiled his Luxury Pizza, a 12 inch (30 cms), thin crust topped with caviar, lobster, creme fraiche and chives. Cut into eight, it works out at $125 a slice.

I'm sure it's fantastic. God bless innovators who find ways to create novel, interesting, and luxurious products.

I suppose some of you expected me to honk about how outrageous this is. Truthfully, I think it's awesome. Don't forget that I work in a corner of my industry where we create systems that some people would regards as outrageous, but to the clients we cater to, they are perfectly sensible.

I take to heart Oscar Wilde's heartfelt belief (more or less) that: If you have the luxuries, you can forego the neccessities.

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