Thursday, March 15, 2007

an off-topic whine about daylight savings time

My diurnal rythms have really taken a beating this week. I'm normally up at 5am, caffeinated, and pounding out invective, analysis, snark (and frankly, sometimes just lamely parroting whatever I read on Dealbreaker the day before) on my keyboard.

But this week hasn't gone according to plan. My body thinks that it's 4am when my alarm clock goes off in the morning, and rebels.

Thus, I appologize for being a little light on content this week. I hope to be better equipped to deal with mornings in a couple of days.

Long or Short Capital has the problem with daylight savings time summed up perfectly.

*2nd Update*
Thanks to Dealbreaker for the reference!

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Anonymous said...

Pardon my complete ignorance, but did Canada push up the DST this year, too? Or is it always this early in March?

Lee_D said...

You are correct, Jason. Canada went along with this insane scheme to speedbag us with DST a month early.

I'd also like to thank for not only giving a nod, but for being too polite to repeat my self-effacing comment about cribbing their material from them.

Unknown said...

I live in Saskatchewan where we don't "do" DST. You can actually get assaulted with a scythe here if you suggest we get with it and join the annual spring forward fall backward dance.

Personally, as a Christian, I've always wondered how God will deal with all of this when His Son drops by again. Will people with their clocks on the wrong time get an extra measure of grace - or will we all find out it's the wrong time?

I say dump DST. It works here in Flatland.

The first conversation I had with a fellow Flatlander on this subject went something like this:

"No DST? Doesn't that mess things up for you?"

"Naw! The wheat don't care none."