Thursday, November 09, 2006

Microsoft will ship Vista, this time for sure!

CE Pro: Vista Completed, Consumer Launch Assured

Microsoft's Vista, which had its launch dates confirmed last week, is now completed, reports AP.
Microsoft said Wednesday it has completed work on its long-delayed Windows Vista operating system and plans to release it to consumers Jan. 30.
The announcement means Microsoft is on track to meet its revised release schedule.
The business version of Vista will be available on Nov. 30.

Quentin Tarrentino once repeated the adage that "Directors never finish their films, they abandon them." I suspect the same holds true for software. Just as the Director may say "Don't worry, we'll clean it up in Post-Production" so can I imagine the Team Leaders at Microsoft saying "Screw it, we'll clean it up with patches and updates."

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that explains much about the aggravations of software.