Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Keyboard is Mightier than the Sword

Funny story, and I'm still not sure what it means.

Yesterday, I was on the phone with the territory rep for a supplier of ours. Purely conversationally, I asked him, "Hey, is [redacted] still the head of [redacted] in Canada?"

"Yep" he replied, then with panic in his voice "Wait, you're not going to blog about him are you?"

This totally caught me off guard. "No, I said."

Then as I got my balance back, asked "Why, what have you got?"


"Come on, you can't just drop that and leave me hanging!"

"Nope. I'm not saying anything. "

The conversation eventually drifted back to business, but I'm still baffled by his panic at the thought of me writing about his boss. I know the guy, and have met him on several occassions, and really don't have anything negative to say about him, nor have I ever heard a glimmering of anything.

Some people don't understand what Oscar Wilde said, which appears to now be The Paris Hilton Principle: The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

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