Saturday, September 29, 2007

Reading the Runes: What do Corvettes and Escalades tell us about the Economy?

One of my favorite pastimes is interpreting anecdotal signs of how the economy is doing. Walking down Whyte Ave. to the bank on Thursday (to buy some U.S. Dollars, and top up my US$ account, but that's another story), I noticed that the Chevrolet dealer had much of his window frontage on the street devoted to seven different varieties of Special Edition Corvette. Heading into October in Edmonton is not exactly prime convertible sports car selling season.

What I take away from that is that the dealership ordered too many for last spring, thinking that they would sell more than they actually did. Maybe that is a sign that conditions aren't quite as rosy as the newspaper articles would lead us to believe.

A few blocks later, parked by my office, I saw a pimped-out Escalade with "FOR SALE" and a phone number scrawled on the tinted windows in grease pencil. That would indicate to me that some people aren't doing as well as they were earlier.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

That photo is proof that even a cool car AND a guitar can't make a couple of TOTAL dorks look cool. I've seen that same look over and over again on "American Chopper" when they hand their latest corporate creation over to Johnny Lawyer and Bill Accountant for X-BOO-TOO Corp.

Some things can't be fixed - even by the gang at "Extreme Makeover".

(Dang - my "snark-o-meter" is jammed again!)