Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Congrats To The Top 25 Social Butterflies at CEDIA Expo 2010

Cindy Davis at the excellent site Custom CE Social went and crunched the metrics on Twitter usage at CEDIA Expo 2010 so you don't have to. The result: the Top 25 members of the Twitterati who were tweeting the show.

Yours truly was #7.

Huge props to my good friend Johnny Mota, who was 3rd. And the rAVe [publications] team were an unstoppable force on the show floor, tweeting, taking pictures, and making videos like a seven-person multimedia army. They did an amazing job.

Most surprising of all was seeing Samsung take the 2nd spot. Frankly, most major CE brands haven't got a clue about how to leverage Twitter successfully: they still treat it like conventional advertising, using a megaphone to blare their message to people who aren't listening. Samsung gets it, and deserve props for their progressive approach.

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