Tuesday, January 20, 2009

LG AND Chungwa Execs Jailed For Price Fixing

As an executive it's hard to get much notice for criminal misconduct in the shadow of the banking crisis and the Bernie Madoff ponzi scam, but senior execs from LG and Chungwa managed to get some press coverage.

Executives from LG Display and Chunghwa Picture Tubes will serve jail time in the United States after agreeing to plead guilty to a LCD price fixing, the U.S. Department of Justice announced.Chang Suk Chung (LG), Chieng-Hon Lin (former executive from Chunghwa), Chih-Chun Liu (Chunghwa) and Hsueh-Lung Lee (Chunghwa)participated in the conspiracy at various times and "have agreed to serve a term of imprisonment, pay a criminal fine, and assist the government in its ongoing TFT-LCD investigation."

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Flat panel TVs for everybody on cell block "D".