Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sirius Going To Find Out That There's No Santa Claus

Silicon Valley Insider's Dan Frommer wraps up the coal in Sirus' Christmas Stocking.

The satellite radio company expects to sign up 200,000 net subscribers in Q4, what's supposed to be its busiest quarter.
That's almost a third fewer than the 344,000 it signed up in Q3.
And it represents 80% slower growth over Q4 2007, when Sirius and XM combined to sign up 1.1 million net subscribers.
What's to blame? The crappy economy and terrible car sales -- where Sirius XM gets most of its new subscribers. (Meanwhile, we bet that won't stop Apple from selling another 2-3 million or so iPhones in the U.S. this quarter, all of which are capable of connecting to free Internet radio stations.)

That last part about iPhone access to Internet radio may well be the worst news of all for SIRI.

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