Monday, April 07, 2008

What Does "Early Adopter" Mean These Days, Anyways?

The Stalwart's Joe Wiesenthal wrestles with the notion of early vs. late adopters, and wonders how to draw the boundaries.

The Stalwart: Redefining Late Adopter

That being said, given how fast something can explode, it seems like the gap -- in absolute terms -- between early adopters, regular adopters, and late adopters is shrinking quite quickly. Web services pop up, and if you're not in on them within two weeks of them going "viral" then you're a late adopter, or maybe just a regular adopter, but certainly not an early adopter.

I've got a question: What value does being an early adopter bring beyond tenuous bragging rights to other like minded geeks?

Actually spending money to be an early adopter means that you're volunteering to Beta test for a vendor, and paying them for the privilege. Some of the best advice I was ever given was "Never buy the first generation of anything!"

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is more true than in ever.

The pioneers get the arrows, the settlers get the land.