Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nielsen names Best Buy, Circuit City, eBay, top electronics online stores

Dealerscope: Best Buy, Circuit City, Ebay Top Electronics Web Sites

Best Buy and Circuit City’s online stores once again lead the rankings of Web sites for consumer electronics retailers, according to Nielsen Online figures cited by Web site
According to the stats, was number one in December with 23.99 million unique visitors, followed by Circuit City with 19.61 million visitors. However, Circuit City’s numbers grew by more, jumping 20 percent over December ‘06, while Best Buy only jumped 9 percent. Rounding out the top five were Ebay’s electronics and computer sites (which are listed separately), and, which saw a survey-best 68 percent jump to 4.96 million visitors.

Natually, this was a US survey. I'd like to mention that in the past year, I've bought a fair amount of computer hardware, DVD movies and Wii titles from Future Shop's (a division of Best Buy) online store. Pricing and selection have been excellent, but most importantly the shopper interface and usability is first rate. Not every bricks and mortar retailer has a decent online store, but Future Shop has a good one.

Almost equally as important as the interface, the fact that I don't have to speak, interact, or deal with an employee of a big box store makes online shopping an even bigger plus.

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Unknown said...

File under: Things That Make You Go 'Hmmmmmmm'?!?

So what does it mean when keeping your employees from contacting the public is actually in your company's best interest?

It's a 'Brave New (Retail) World'.

Lee_D said...

I'll tell you what it means: it just means that I spent so long coaching performance out of retail workers that experiencing sub-par customer service feels like nails on a chalkboard to me. It's hard for me to bite my tongue and not performance manage them, but I'm a little more finely attuned than your average shopper.