Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Think you have a thing for sound quality?

You might, but probably not as much as this guy. Take note of the sound room designed and built by Italian audio designer Roberto, who went so far as to build two subwoofer enclosures into the foundation beneath his room.

Royal Device: The Biggest Horn Sub of the World

The Biggest SUBWOOFER of the WORLD, for the most esoteric Audio and AUDIO-VIDEO Room of the World. The Highest efficiency ever obtained with NO hearable distortion using NO feedback at all in any stage with relative low power amplifiers (4 x 50 watts/ch BLU EYES Single Ended solid state FULL CLASS A dynamic regulation - 70% efficiency amplifiers) and NO crossover on the speakers. To understand how this is possible, you can read all thruout the WHITE PAPERS, here you will find answers to all your questions.
Royal Device has on its own developped and built in Italy the biggest subwoofer of the world for an AUDIO/VIDEO room that can be also considered as the greatest AUDIO ROOM for private music listening of the world. The Royal Device audio room belongs to Roberto - the audio designer who made it.
The audio reproduction is focused on the speakers output capability more than electric power output of the amplifiers with no need of KWatts power supply lines, releasing more than 110 dB/1W/1 meter sensitivity starting from below 10 Hz focused on the listening position

(you'll have to scroll down a bit to see the construction details)

Now THAT is what I call Custom Installation!

For those of you who don't dig on audio specs, I'll summarize it for you: It's ridiculous. In fact, it's more than that, it's REDONKULAS! That room is so far off the hook, he doesn't even own a hook.

Let me tell you, as a keen appreciator of grotesque overkill, I am deeply impressed.

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