Monday, November 05, 2007

Some great news, if you wanna buy a TV!

There's two sides to every economic situation. If one of those sides is bad news, the trick is to make sure that you're on the winning side.

I've been saying over and over for a few weeks now that this Christmas is going to be a rough ride for retailers. Here's the good news: if you're a customer it's going to be a buyer's market this year!

Translation: if you're in the market for a flat-panel TV, and even think you might be in the near future, now is the time to buy. Pricing probably isn't going to get any better than it is now, given that so many factors are coming into play to drive it to an all-time low.

I don't agree with Christine at Marketnews 100% on this. I think the best prices will be during Boxing Week, when retailers start getting overeager to bump up their sales volume before December rolls to a halt. The sentiment, however, is correct.

Now go get 'em!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Patience - timing - a little Zen shopping - that's the way, Grasshopper.

Just ask the lady who bought that Honda Accord a week before the GST drop announcement. As the car dealerships say, "Yes ma'am, we do have a policy for that. We call it 'That's Unfortunate For You'".

There are many scenarios in life where acting prematurely can cause regrets, or at least dissatisfaction - while patience is still a virtue last time I checked.

Besides, who NEEDS a TV right now anyway? The writers are on strike and even Tim Kring over at "Heroes" is unhappy with the way this season has been going. And if we all wait together the retailers will be even more desperate. I know, I know, it's cruel and I used to be a retailer, but hey, this correction has been a long time coming - especially in Canadian electronics retail. And I am grateful I'm not in it anymore.

Consumer power!