Yahoo!: Lululemon to remove healthful claims from seaweed products in Canada
Lululemon Athletica Inc. (TSX:LLL) has agreed to remove all claims alleging healthful benefits from its VitaSea line of clothing products which contain seaweed, Canada's Competition Bureau says.
In a statement late Friday, the regulatory agency said the Vancouver-based yoga wear retailer has agreed to immediately remove all tags and other product notices that contain "unsubstantiated" claims of therapeutic or performance benefits from its seaweed line of clothing in its nearly 40 retail stores across Canada.
Citing the Textile Labelling Act, the bureau said it is illegal to make any false or misleadingrepresentations relating to a garment, including representations regarding fibrecontent.
As well, the bureau cites the Competition Act which says all performance claims must be based on "adequate and proper testing" prior to making claims to the public.
You've got to admire their moxie when it comes to keeping a straight face while making outrageous claims about their products to their clientele, but once the Feds politely point out that they're breaking the law, suddenly they're good corporate citizens again.
You can't make this stuff up!
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why dont all u broke loser bloggers get a life instead of constantly harping on companies whose stock you cant afford to buy?
People (?) want to defend corporations who lie? Hokay then! I think we're beginning to understand what the problem REALLY is.
Next up: "Dating the Criminally Insane"
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