Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Pundits calling for a weak Christmas, blame it on subprime

iSuppli: Credit Crunch May Hinder Holiday Season for LCD-TVs and Monitors

The gloom and doom in the housing market may have a major impact on consumer purchasing of LCD televisions and computer monitors during the holiday season, according to new data from iSuppli Corp.Concerns are rising regarding the sub prime mess, the turmoil surrounding the financial markets and how these issues will impact business and consumer spending in the United States. The credit crunch the United States is now facing as a result of rising defaults on home loans may limit consumers’ disposable spending during the holiday period of this year.
As the holiday season approaches, OEMs and retailers are gearing up by offering new models with support for 1080 progressive (1080p) and/or LED backlights, features that yield an improved viewing experience. These new models caused overall television prices to increase in July and to remain steady in August. However, because of the factors mentioned above, overall television prices more than likely will resume their pricing decline in the fourth quarter as OEMs start to boost holiday sales with promotions and special offers.

Personally, I think it's extreme to call for a Chicken Little scenario in retail, and blame it all on the subprime mess. After all, the only people who won't be able to buy a great big flat panel television this Christmas are the idiots people who shoehorned themselves into homes that they couldn't afford, are carrying half a mil in credit card debt, and/or the people who work used to work at subprime lenders and mortgage brokers.

For the rest of us, the holidays will be merry and bright!

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