Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Old lady drops the hammer on Comcast

Here's a great story about someone who did what we all want to do sometimes.

CE Pro: 75-Year-Old Woman Takes Hammer to Comcast Office

If only we could actually do the things we sometimes
think about doing.
Mona Shaw, a 75-year-old Bristow, Va. woman, did.
Shaw recently went on a rampage at her local Comcast office after the
service provider missed a scheduled appointment, came without completing the
installation, and then cut off her service.
When she went to the local
office to complain, she ended up waiting for a manager—for two hours. And then
the manager never came.
After a weekend of “stewing,” she went back to the
office ... with her hammer.

No word on the rumor that Fox paid her six figures for the TV rights to her story.

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Anonymous said...

Wow that granny's got balls. That's exactly what I would have done!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow that Granny's got balls. That's exactly what I would have done. There's no excuse for bad customer service!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful ending. Does that count as the 21st-century version of an O'Henry ending? However it might be codified, it was cause to LOL.