Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Lots of 1080p units being sold": Department of Pointing Out the Obvious

Despite major growth brought on by dramatic price declines in 720p high-definition TVs last year, the HDTV market is taking a decided shift toward models with 1080p.
Speaking at the The Future of HD:
The Fifth Annual HDTV Conference, presented by DisplaySearch, an NPD Group company, DisplaySearch president Ross Young said 1080p HDTV will be the big winner over the next year, and will bring additional opportunities to affiliated product categories, including HDTV programming services and next-generation HD disc players.
Young predicted that 1080p will win at retail, as retailers, brands and panel suppliers all push the technology to make more money than they could with 720p models.

Um, there could be another reason why 720p sets are no longer outselling 1080p: there aren't as many 720p sets on the market anymore! The reason for the big markdowns on 720p hardware last year was because the industry knew damn well that the next big push would be 1080p, so they unloaded as much inventory as possible.

That's what you call a self-fulfilling prophesy. You didn't exactly need to be Nostradamus to see the way the video market was heading.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

You can't buy what no one sells or wants - except on eBay.