Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fox News announces Carly Fiorina TV!

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that "there are no Second Acts in American Life," an aphorism that Dealbreaker.com is fond of pointing out just isn't true.

Case in point, Ex-Hewlett Packard chief Carly Fiorina's new career:

Loren Steffy: Heeeeeere's Carly!

We've been wondering for a while now what was next for ousted Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina. First, of course, there was the book. Then there was the speculation. Now, we have the answer.
joining the new Fox Business Network as a "contributor." However, thenetwork isn't saying what exactly she will be contributing.

Personally I'm waiting for NBC to bow an espionage themed cross between The Apprentice and The Mole, starring jailbird former HP Chair Patricia "Spies Like Us" Dunn, who in addition to being an evil mastermind, is pretty foxy. I think she's a natural for network television.

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