Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Epicurean Dealmaker incites more bloggery, envy

Lest you think that I am without parallel in the field of Dearly In Love With One's Own Prose, I find myself one-upped with the somewhat anti-climactic exercise in self-adulation left behind by TED prior to taking his holidays.

To my delight, folly, avarice, and hubris have been thick on the ground these past few months, so I have had plenty of grist for my metaphorical mill. Having slaughtered many innocent pixels on the altar of Better Information Through Vanity Publishing on the Internet, I had copious material from which to select the following gems. (Those of you sensitive to Green issues can consider this my contribution to global recycling, if you wish.)

Without further ado, I offer you the current crop of the best and brightest:

I don't wish to infer that I don't enjoy reading and re-reading my own prose, basking in the radiance of my own cleverness. I do, really.

I just also know to give credit where it is due, and acknowledge the work of a master.

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The Epicurean Dealmaker said...

Lee -- I am glad to see you have acknowledged your membership in the Grand and Hoary Order of the DILWOOP. It is an ancient and respected society, and I and my fellow DILWOOPers welcome you.


Lee_D said...

I suppose that this means that as a neophyte DILWOOPer I have to stand you to a drink the next time you have reason to visit my charming mini-metropolis, a short hop from the Arctic Circle.