Monday, July 09, 2007

Sony slashes price of PS3, decides it needs to lose more money

Make sure you read all of Roger Ehrenberg's insightful commentary on Sony's announced price cut on the Playstation 3.

Information Arbitrage: Sony Cuts the Price of PS3? In the Right Direction, But...
So Sony, sure, go and engage Microsoft in a race to the bottom (of profits, that is). You are still missing the big picture. It's the product that needs work, guys. Not just the price that needs lowering.

If your product is great, you sell on its value. If your product is not so great, you have to sell it on price. Bottom line, if the PS3 was all that it was supposed to be in the first place, it would have been good enough to not need a price cut to kick start greater adoption.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a heck of a way to dress up a Blu-Ray. There ought to be a better way to get traction for a new technology.