Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Everyone wants to kick Conrad Black while he's down

Speaking of bringing out the knives, following on the heels of last week's convictions for fraud and obstruction of justice, it seems that everybody wants to be a part of the dogpile on disgraced media baron Conrad Black.

Not content to let the news media have all the fun, there's talk from the Canadian Government that his conviction will ruin his chances at regaining the Canadian citizenship that he renounced in order to accept a British peerage.

In addition, the wealth hating commies in the NDP have requested that he be stripped of the Order of Canada.

The news media, like a large, slobbery hound unwilling to relinquish an especially meaty bone, have also gone on ad nauseum about how his larger-than-life persona will work against him at both his sentencing and his appeal hearings.

Some days it just doesn't pay to self-consciously style yourself after the robber barons of the 19th century.

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Anonymous said...

People are taking it out on poor Connie b/c of his wife's behavior.

She is a real treat.

Lee_D said...

I just about brought that up, but it was too easy. You could do an entire blog of nothing but her idiosyncrasies.

I don't have that kind of time.

Anonymous said...

Why do rich people have idiosyncrasies or are eccentric.

Why can't we call them fuktards?

TrippinCanuck said...

Hey Lee, my afternoons are filled with dealing with the cases Americans with criminal records wanting to go to Canada. Since he's in Chicago and may need a Temporary Resident Permit (he's not eligible for criminal rehabilitation for at least five years), I may end up processing that case since we're the closest office to Chicago.