Monday, May 14, 2007

Bay Area Bargain! $349,900 for a crack den!

Whenever I'm travelling, I always read the rental and real estate section in the local papers to get a feel for the local market. When I visited San Francisco in 2004, the only thing more mindblowing in the Chronicle than the prices of 2 bedroom condos were the monthly rentals of equivalent sized apartments. Mind you, this was just before Edmonton and Calgary started to go completely insane, and I had to recalibrate my internal real estate-o-meter. I'm still adjusting to the fact that my sleepy little oil town not far south of the Arctic Circle is now in the million-dollar condo zone.

Regardless, there's a great factoid printed on the ever-irrascible WC Varones' Blog pointing to a "real fixer-upper" that won't last long!*

WC Varones: Everything you need to know about Bay Area real estate
Boarded-up crack house on tiny lot in horrible neighborhood: $349,900.

I haven't yet been able to top that story with anything going on here, but give it a couple of weeks and we'll see.

*take that in any sense you choose. If that's too subtle for you, think "Board of Health" and "bulldozer" and you'll see where I'm coming from.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's only $383,071.96 in Canuck Bucks.

I had no idea our dollar was doing THAT well.

Understanding this kind of real estate market requires a personal perspective available only through the powers of mescaline.

"Better Business Through Chemistry"