Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Proposed XM/Sirius merger not looking likely

Reported in Dealbreaker's Opening Bell

F.C.C. Chief Questioning Radio Deal (NYT_After Sirius and XM announced their intent to merge, various analysts tried handicapping the deal. Many put a 55%-60% of it being approved, and some have already lowered their odds to closer to 50%. Another round of downgrades may be in order, as apparently the chief of the FCC is pretty skeptical on whether there will be any benefits to consumers. In particular, Mel Karmazin's recent testimony to Congress has done little to win him over.

I don't feel too heartbroken about a merger not occuring, as it was going to end up being a major pain in the ass for everybody who makes satellite radio equipment. Still, we shall see what we shall see.

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