Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Bell to broadcast in 1080p? Is it true?

Vicious rumor time!

News has reached me from a less-than reliable source that Bell plans to launch 1080p broadcast within the next fifteen months.

I personally find this hard to believe, and don't have any corroboration yet. The first three pages of Google come up empty, for that matter.

The reason that I am skeptical is that Bell is typically 12-18 months behind hardware advances in the USA, and I have seen zero* rumblings from any media outlet about 1080p broadcast in the US. Also, given how hard Bell has been pimping the 9200 HD PVR over the last two years, I have trouble imagining them kicking sand in the face of all the subscribers they strongarmed persuaded to upgrade. At least, not this soon.

Regardless, I will pursue this rumor with dogged determination and bring you, my loyal readers, the goods.

Remember, you read it here first!

*well, zero serious rumbling. Lots of idle blither blather on home theater messsage boards, but you know what those are worth.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

As a recent new client of Bell/Expressvu (and believing I had waited and sussed out the market adequately) all I can say is


Oh what the heck! Bring it on.