Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Mandatory Blog Post about the iPhone

Yes, it's coming. Yes, it's set the blogosphere on fire, and some people are getting even more wiggly about it than others were for the launch of the PS3.
But, as I had commented yesterday on Paul Kedrosky's blog, it's not just a phone, is it?

In fact, there's two key things apparent.

1) It's a computer.

It runs on mac OSX, and it fits in your hand. It's got 8 gig, which may be more than your home computer had in 1997.

The iPhone is the forward edge of the next movement in interconnectivity. There has been much talk in the past year (although I'm too lazy to Google it) by pundits, including myself, that the next wave will be handhelds with larger screens, more connectivity, and more functionality. Calling the iPhone a cell phone is as inapt as calling it an mp3 player. It's so much more.

This year, we will see many more such devices roll out and jostle for position. Will the iPhone totally dominate the market the way iPod did with media players? I personally don't see RIM and Palm taking this lying down.

2) it doesn't look like we expect an apple product to look.

Only one person in the discussion on Paul Kedrosky's site drilled down on how un-mac it looks. It seems to me that after the way Apple almost tectonically reformed the design landscape in the past ten years via mac and iPod, they're chasing a new design vision. I think we can expect a big shake up in the visuals of Apple's desktops and laptops this year.

There. I've done my bloggerly duty. More later.

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