Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bad News for Blu-ray?

CE Pro: Wither Blu-ray? Porn Industry Backs HD DVD

After much back and forth (as opposed to in and out) over the past year, most of the key content producers in the Adult Entertainment industry have come out in favor of HD-DVD.

This is bad news for Blu-ray. Very bad.

Oh sure, everybody giggles when the subject comes up, but do not underestimate the clout that the Adult Entertainment industry wields in the tech sector.* Who do you think has been at the leading edge of every major advance on the internet? It's ancient history now, but everybody in the know acknowledges that the greater array of content on VHS gave the format a BIG boost over Betamax. The consumer base will follow whatever tack the industry takes.

*I dearly wish there were more publicly traded AE companies. However, given their profitiablity, they typically don't require an infusion of cash via public offerings to fund their growth and expansion.

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