Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The nerds are starting to weigh in on PS3: it's not good news

First of all, a great big shout out to Flatland Pastor for forwarding me this link to über nerd Adrian Kingsley-Hughes and his comprehensively researched hatchet job on the PS3.

I've been watching the PS3 reviews hit the web and while most make it clear that Sony's PS3 is a technological marvel, they also show that perhaps the console just wasn't ready for prime time, despite the fact that the console's launch date had been delayed for months.

Not a good start. Wait, it gets better:

Overall, Sony seems to have put a lot of effort into cramming as much silicon horsepower under the hood as possible but to have forgotten that all the transistors in the world can’t make someone smile.

You know what, I can't just excerpt this. The whole article is just too much. Excerpting any more will just count as dogpiling. The nerds have spoken, and they're not impressed. I blogged back in September that word-of-blog would make or break the PS3. Time will tell if the initial groundswell of dissatisfaction is a ripple, or a Tsunami.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The kids are in line for the Nintendo Wheeeeeeee. Yuppies lined up for PS3.

Sony still doesn't get content over
design. I have some betamax tapes
waiting for antique shows.